How to verify whether a website is legitimate or not?:

martes, 21 de enero de 2020

Worldwide Fake North Face campaign of websites hosted under plenty of TLDs

                    ".ch, the most secure top level domain (TLD) in Europe."                                

The above sentence might be true. The proof?

Just take a look to this FAKE campaign of a single actor targeting multiple worldwide TLDs except .ch. The reason?. Likely to have a higher lifetime = profit. 

They know that if they set up the FAKE webshop under .ch, this TLD is being actively monitored for this type of fraud hence the chances to be detected and take down the webshop would increase. Best course of action? - to avoid it.

Few examples of FAKE webshops under random European countries:

FAKE Polish webhsop (https://

Fake Spanish webshop (https ://

Fake German webshop (https ://

Fake Italian webshop (https ://

    But it is not about Europe. This FAKE campaign targeting this specific brand is worldwide: 

    Passive DNS information.

    Just an observation from the timing of the FAKE domains registration, you can see that the bad guys also have Christmas holidays. There is no activity observed between December 18th and January 8th :) just do one thing but we do it with a laser-focus approach: we do detect and flag online counterfeiting (and fraud) related websites as the above ones for hundreds of different brands targeted by counterfeiters.

    We are collecting the most comprehensive dataset of counterfeit-related webs with two simple goals in mind: 
    1. To provide a free service for online consumers to avoid them being scammed.
    2. To provide a commercial service to brands affected, payment platforms, ISPs and domain registers. 
    The ultimate goal is to stop this massive online fraud. If you are interested just contact with me.

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