How to verify whether a website is legitimate or not?:

viernes, 26 de febrero de 2016

Must the Internet providers block sites offering counterfeit items?

Luxury brands Cartier and Montblanc won recently a U.K. court ruling that orders Internet providers to block websites selling counterfeit goods including watches and pens. [Source Bloomberg.]

While this is not the correct approach to go but instead the Prada one is the way to go. This open an interesting debate?: Must the Internet providers block sites offering counterfeit items?

Net neutrality is the key issue here. In US the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) promotes a strong Net neutrality to keep the Internet open and free with statements like below pointed out on May 2010:
The FCC introduces strong net neutrality protections that said internet service providers could not block websites or impose limits on users. In December, the FCC would go on to pass a final version, adopting their first-ever rules to regulate Internet access. [Source Whitehouse.]

In Europe, the European Commision is in charge of the Net Neutrality, but with some issues.

This is an old debate about whether the ISPs should block access or not to content such as:
  • Adult websites
  • Terrorism propaganda
  • Intelectual property infringement (a.k.a: FAKE websites)

Now with news like those pointed out at the beginning of this article the debate is open:

 Must the Internet providers block sites offering counterfeit items?

What is your position on this matter?

Disclaimer: All the websites requested to be block by Cartier and Montblanc are available on the private feed.

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